Pooled Database Source Configuration
Order Capture System uses connection pooling along with Hibernate for connecting to the Oracle database. These configurations are used to modify the behavior of the connection pool and change Hibernate settings.
To switch the database from Oracle to PostgreSQL, see PostgreSQL Database Configuration.
Name | Description | Default Value |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.driverClassName |
The JDBC driver class to use |
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.host |
The host machine where the database is available |
localhost |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.port | The database port | 1521 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.database | The name of the database | orcl |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.username |
The user name that is given when connecting to the database |
aff_ocs |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.password |
The password to be given when connecting to the database |
aff_ocs |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.url |
The URL connection string for the database This is constructed using the values given for the host, port, and database. |
jdbc:oracle:thin:@//$ {com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.host}:$ {com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.port}/ ${com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource. database} |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.initializeSize |
The initial size of the database connection pool | 2 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.maxIdle |
The maximum number of connections that might be kept in the idle pool if the pool sweeper is enabled |
11 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.maxActive |
The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time |
12 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.maxWait |
The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool waits for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception |
10000 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.validationQuery |
The SQL query that is used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller or pool |
Select 1 from dual |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.testOnBorrow |
The indication of whether objects are validated before being borrowed from the pool. |
False |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.testWhileIdle |
Set to true if query validation might take place when the connection is idle. |
True |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis |
The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle connection validation, abandoned cleaner, and idle pool resizing |
5000 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.pooledDataSource.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis |
The minimum amount of time an object must sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction |
5000 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.dialect | The hibernate dialect to use. |
org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache | Indicates if second level cache is used | false |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.cache.provider_class |
The hibernate Cache Provider |
org.hibernate.cache.NoCache Provider |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.transaction.factory _class |
The transaction management factory |
org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate. current_session_context_class |
The hibernate current session context manager |
org.hibernate.context.ManagedSessionContext |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.jdbc.batch_size |
Enables JDBC batching and sets the batch size to a reasonable value |
30 |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.show_sql |
Indicates if hibernate must log generated SQL |
false |
com.tibco.af.ocs.hibernate.default_catalog |
The hibernate default catalog. This value might be the same as the database user name value. |
aff_ocs |