PostgreSQL Database Configuration
With the release of TIBCO Order Management - Long Running 5.0, Order Capture System now supports a PostgreSQL database instead of only an Oracle database. PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system, which has support in Hibernate, which is used by the Order Capture System to talk to the database. These configuration values have been updated to support switching from an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database.
The following values can be configured in TIBCO FOM Configurator or in the ConfigValues_OCS.xml file.
Name | Description |
---|---| | The pooled data source driver name. To switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL, move
selected=true from the Oracle line to the Postgres line:
<EnumValue value="org.postgresql.Driver"/> | | The hostname for the Postgres database. | | The port number for the Postgres database. | | The pooled data source database.
The value for this is the name of the database you create in postgres. To create a database, see Creating PostgreSQL Tables.The default database name in postgres is postgres. | | The pooled data source database user name. | | The pooled data source database password. | | This is a Postgres specific property that indicates the schema name. The default schema for Postgres is public. | | The pooled data source URL. To switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL, move
selected=true from the Oracle line to the Postgres line:
<EnumValue value="jdbc:postgresql://${}:${}/${}?currentSchema=${}"/> | | The pooled data source validation query. To switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL, move
selected=true from the Oracle line to the Postgres line:
<EnumValue value="SELECT 1"/> | | Hibernate dialect. To switch from an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database, move selected="true" from the Oracle line to the PostgreSQL line. |