Order Sequencing

By default Order Sequencing feature is disabled. When Order Sequencing is disabled, all the incoming orders are processed in parallel. After the Order Sequencing is enabled, only a single order is processed at a time and any other incoming order by the same customer is stored in a queue (tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.submitOrder) till the previous one is processed.

The order of a customer is processed in the sequence of order submission. Each order request (SOAP request) has an element or a tag (called as custom property) in the request body, which is common into all the requests for a customer. Orders from one customer are processed in the sequence of order submission.

The following configuration properties are related to Order Sequencing:

Configuration Variable Name Configuration Property Value Description
Submit Order Sequencer Queue tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.submitOrder Queue where an order is sent when other order is still in process
Order Sequencer Order Status Notification Queue tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.notification.order Status notification for each order sequencer that are in queue
Order Sequencer Listener Trigger Status tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.trigger.status Status of the order sequencer listener, indicating whether the order has been completed
Submit Order Sequencer Queue Receive TimeOut tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.submitOrder.receive.timeout The order remains in sequencer queue for a specific time (millisesonds) and then it is suspended.
Custom property xPath expression for order sequencing tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.customer.xPath Custom property xPath for order sequencing that points to a unique customer identifier
Flag to enable or disable the Order Sequencing tibco.aff.oms.ordersSequencer.enableOrderSequencing Options to enable (for all or with a udf) or disable order sequencing