Configuration Properties

The following tables list the properties for configuring the database of order management services.

Order Management Server Admin Data Source Configuration Properties
Property Name Oracle Database Property Value PostgreSQL Database Property Value
Pooled Data Source Driver Class Name oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver org.postgresql.Driver
Pooled Data Source Port 1521 (default) 5432 (default)
Pooled Data Source Database orcl (default) admindb (default)
Pooled Data Source Username aff_admin (default) adminuser (default)
Pooled Data Source Schema N/A adminschema (default)
Pooled Data Source URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@//${}:${}/${} jdbc:postgresql://${}:${}/${}?currentSchema=${}
Pooled Data Source Validation Query select 1 from dual SELECT 1
Pooled Database Connection Property oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout=120000 N/A
Order Management Server Default Tenant Data Source Configuration Properties
Property Name Oracle Database Property Value PostgreSQL Database Property Value
Pooled Data Source Driver Class Name oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver org.postgresql.Driver
Pooled Data Source Port 1521 (default) 5432 (default)
Pooled Data Source Database orcl (default) fomdb (default)
Pooled Data Source Username aff_oms (default) fomuser (default)
Pooled Data Source Schema N/A fomschema (default)
Pooled Data Source URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@//${}:${}/${} jdbc:postgresql://${}:${}/${}?currentSchema=${}
Pooled Data Source Validation Query select 1 from dual SELECT 1
Pooled Database Connection Property oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout=120000 N/A
Order Management Server Data Persistence Configuration Properties
Property Name Oracle Database Property Value PostgreSQL Database Property Value
Database Type oracle postgres org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
Pooled Data Source URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@//${}:${}/${} jdbc:postgresql://${}:${}/${}?currentSchema=${}
Pooled Data Source Validation Query select 1 from dual SELECT 1
Order Capture System Data Source Configuration Properties
Property Name Oracle Database Property Value PostgreSQL Database Property Value
Pooled Data Source Driver Class Name oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleD river org.postgresql.Driver
Pooled Data Source Port 1521 (default) 5432 (default)
Pooled Data Source Database orcl (default) ocsdb (default)
Pooled Data Source Username aff_ocs (default) ocsuser (default)
Pooled Data Source Schema for postgres N/A ocsschema (default)
Pooled Data Source URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@//$ {}:$ { taSource.port}/$ { taSource.database} jdbc:postgresql://$ {}:$ { ataSource.port}/$ { ataSource.database}? currentSchema=$ { ataSource.postgres.schema }
Pooled Data Source Validation Query select 1 from dual SELECT 1
Hibernate dialect org.hibernate.dialect.Orac le10gDialect org.hibernate.dialect.Pos tgreSQLDialect
Hibernate Default Catalog aff_ocs (default) Ocsuser (default)