Custom Audit Trail

It is now possible to write custom Audit Trail messages corresponding to an order present in Order Management Server. The request can be sent to TIBCO Order Management - Long Running using JMS through one of the three interfaces in the format defined in $OM_HOME/schemas/schema/oms/CustomAuditTrail.xsd. This feature is dependent on whether audit trail is enabled or disabled.

The following are the three interfaces:
  • RequestReply - provide requestReply=true in the request header to use this mode.

    This sends the response to the destination specified by JMSReplyTo.

  • Request - provide requestReply=false in the request header to use this mode.

    This sends the response to the response queue.

  • Notification - provide mode=notification in the request to use this mode.

    This processes the request but does not send any response.

The following is a sample request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:AuditTrailRequest xmlns:ns0="">
<ns0:auditMessage>message from PC</ns0:auditMessage>
The following ConfigValues_OMS.xml properties are used for this feature:
<ConfValue description="Custom Audit Trail Request queue" isHotDeployable="true" name="Custom Audit Trail Request queue" propname="com.tibco.fom.oms.orch.customAudit.sender.queue" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic">					
	<ConfString default="tibco.aff.orchestrator.customAudit.request" value="tibco.aff.orchestrator.customAudit.request"/>				
<ConfValue description="Custom Audit Trail Response queue" isHotDeployable="true" name="Custom Audit Trail Response queue" propname="com.tibco.fom.oms.orch.customAudit.response.queue" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic">					
	<ConfString default="tibco.aff.orchestrator.customAudit.response" value="tibco.aff.orchestrator.customAudit.response"/>				
ConfValue description="Custom Audit Trail Response queue receiver count" isHotDeployable="true" name="Custom Audit Trail Response queue receiver count" propname="com.tibco.fom.oms.orch.customAudit.receiver.count" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">					
	<ConfString default="2" value="2"/>				