Product Model Purge

The Purge web service makes it possible to remove existing products from model repository in Automated Order Plan Development and models persisted in the Order Management Server database.

Note: When the flag com.tibco.fom.oms.modelLoadingMaxIdle is set to true, during models purging and model loading, Orchestrator does not process any incoming order events for orchestration. When the flag is set to false, Orchestrator processes the order when the model loading and model purging is in progress. For more information, see the Model Processing topic.

Purge Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:off="">
      <off:PurgeRequest ExternalBusinessTransactionID="?">

Purge Response

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
   <ns2:PurgeResponse ExternalBusinessTransactionID="?" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
            <ns2:Message>Purge Product request sent Successfully to AOPD</ns2:Message>

WSDL Location

This is the default location where all the WSDL files are copied after the installation.

  • $OM_HOME\schemas\wsdl\http\OfflineCatalogue.wsdl