Feasibility Providers


Feasibility Provider is a customer-specific implementation that checks whether an order is feasible for fulfillment. Feasibility might involve network inventory capacity analysis, stock checks, order line validation, or any other number of checks.

Order Management validation engine (OPE) might be used as part of feasibility checking to determine if the order has the required order lines to constitute a valid order.

Feasibility checking is an optional step in the fulfillment process within Orchestrator. By disabling feasibility checking, no Feasibility Provider is required. However, if feasibility is enabled, then a Feasibility Provider must be available for orders to proceed. Feasibility Providers must conform to the following requirements to be a valid implementation.


  • Receive event messages on a JMS queue.
  • Interpret the Feasibility Request event and determine if the order is feasible for fulfillment.
  • Create and send a response event on a JMS queue.
  • In the response event, specify whether the feasibility check has completed successfully by setting the completed flag to TRUE if it was able to determine feasibility or FALSE if it was not able to conclude feasibility.
  • In the response event specify whether the order has passed feasibility by setting the passed flag to TRUE if the order is feasible, or FALSE if it is not feasible.
  • In the response event, optionally specify a list of warning or error messages whether the order has passed feasibility or not.

Since the feasibility checking process is a customer-implemented component, the functional specification for this process is out of scope of this document.