Single Node Multi-Instance Topology

The Single Node Multi-instance or Vertical Scaling deployment topology can be achieved by running multiple instances of the microservices on a single machine.

The Orchestrator component is an integral part of omsServer. By running multiple instances of the microservice, Orchestrator instances form a cluster. The name of the cluster is passed as DOMAIN_ID property with the default value as 'ORCH-DOMAIN' and must be the same in all the scripts.

Note: The number of consumer counts (listeners) on JMS queues and topics used by different TIBCO Order Management - Long Running components are equal to the product of the count configured and the total number of instances running.

For example, if 4 microservice instances are started on a node, the total number of listeners on tibco.aff.orchestrator.order.submit.queue is 4 times the value configured in ConfigValues_OMS.xml.

You can use the following steps for deployment topology.


  1. TIBCO Order Management - Long Running is installed on top of all the underlying required products on the designated server node.
  2. Correct configurations for the default topology, Single Node Single Instance, are in place.
  3. The default microservice instance under $OM_HOME/roles is up and running with all the server and client side components deployed successfully.

Creating New Cluster Members

  1. Access TIBCO Order Management - Long Running configurator GUI application in a supported browser through the HTTP interface of the default microservice instance using the URL http://<host>:<port>/#/login.
  2. Select Order Management System configuration.
  3. Navigate to the existing member Member1 in the cluster. Right-click Member1 to pop up the menu. Select Clone as shown in the following figure:
    Creating a New Cluster Member
  4. In the Clone Member dialog-box, provide a unique name for the new member in cluster, for example, Member2 and click Create. A new cluster member namely Member2 is created.

    At this step, a copy of the complete <Server name="Member1"> element is created as <Server name="Member2"> containing the exactly same configuration properties as the original element in ConfigValues_OMS.xml.

    Clone Member
  5. Change the JMX RMI port for Member2 using the following configuration:
    JMX RMI Port
  6. Save the configuration changes. The newly created Member2 is saved in the $OM_HOME/roles/configurator/standalone/config/ConfigValues_OMS.xml file.
  7. The user interface is at a cluster level, which means it is available for all the configured members; therefore, select OMS under Cluster Outline and select User Interface to configure the members and change the values for the following properties. Provide unique values as displayed:
    User Interface
  8. Save the port configuration changes.
  9. Perform steps three to six for creating additional members Member3, Member4, Member5, and so on in the cluster. This might be done according to the requirement.
  10. Save the configuration changes. The Configuration Saved popup opens. At this step, the number of copies of the complete <Server name="Member1"> element are created as <Server name="Member2">, <Server name="Member3">.

Note that the deployment of multiple Order Management Server instances does not provide HTTP load balancing capabilities out of the box. However, any third-party load balancer can be used to balance the load across multiple instances of Order Management Server. For this, no specific configuration is required. The only requirement is that the load balancer must have support for the sticky session. Sticky sessions mean the load balancer always directs a given client to the same back-end server.

Hardware Load Balancer (HLB), which has Layer 7 capability, can direct the traffic and maintain session persistence for web applications using session cookies. It does not rely on the IP address. Typically, HLB inserts a cookie that the load balancer creates and manages automatically to remember, which back-end server a given HTTP connection might use. And then it would always direct the request originating from that client browser to the same server. Some of the HLBs, which support layer 7 capability include NetScaler, Barracuda, and jetNexus.

The load balancing for JMS interfaces is provided out of the box. The consumer count on each incoming JMS destination used by omsServer and jeoms is automatically multiplied by the total number of deployed instances.

Adding Cluster Members to a Database

  1. An entry for the default member Member1 in the default cluster ORCH-DOMAIN is already present in the DOMAINMEMBERS table of the Order Management Server database.
  2. To deploy and run additional members in the Orchestrator cluster, corresponding entries must be added. For this, refer to the following insert statement in the $OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/OMS_SeedData.sql script.

    insert into domainmembers (memberid, description, domainid, clusterid, isclustermanager, seqnumber, heartbeattimestamp, lastupdatetimestamp, status, is_static) values ('Member1', 'This is Member1 in Orchestrator cluster domain', 'ORCH-DOMAIN', null, null, 0, null, null, null, 0);
  3. Replace the values for the memberid and description columns in the insert statement according to the names of the additional members created in previous steps. Prepare one insert statement for each new member to be added.
  4. Run the insert statements prepared for all the new members on the Order Management Server database schema. Also, run the commit statement to commit the insert changes.
  5. Run select * query on DOMAINMEMBERS table and verify the newly added members.

    Note: Always add only the required number of member entries to the DOMAINMEMBERS table. For example, if 10 instances are required to be run in the ORCH-DOMAIN cluster, add only the corresponding 10 entries in the DOMAINMEMBERS table. For deleting the existing entries corresponding to the members, which are not required to run, the following delete statement can be used by replacing the placeholder entries in the parenthesis with the actual memberid entries.
    delete from domainmembers where memberid in ('member1_id', 'member2_id>', ...);

Creating Additional microservice Instances

  1. Stop the running instance of the default microservice.
  2. Create as many copies of the roles directory under the $OM_HOME directory as the number of members configured previously to be run in the cluster.
  3. Enter the admin database details in the file, and change the port number accordingly. The port numbers in $OM_HOME/roles/omsServer/standalone/config/ must be changed for added members.
  4. In case of static allocation of member IDs to nodes, set the system properties NODE_ID and DOMAIN_ID. If a dynamic allocation is required, it is not required to set these variables.

The cluster deployment is primarily done to scale the server-side TIBCO Order Management - Long Running components that is omsServer (Orchestrator and Automated Order Plan Development included) and jeoms.

The server components are scaled through Enterprise Message Service as more number of listeners and processors are activated on inbound destinations by deploying them in multiple microservices. This also creates additional thread pools to increase processing capabilities.

Sanity Test

  1. Start all microservice instances to start the deployed TIBCO Order Management - Long Running components.
  2. Monitor the logs of each microservice to make sure that the server and all the deployed components have started correctly without any errors.
  3. Start the Orchestrator member as a Cluster Manager for the ORCH-DOMAIN cluster. Start the Orchestrator member in the same cluster. Verify this according to the sample log statements shown below in the log file.

  4. When it is confirmed that all the members in the cluster are started correctly, submit a couple of orders using the SOAP/JMS interface. The order messages are equally distributed for processing among all the members.

Per default configuration, the member, which has accepted the submit order message for specific order processes that order. This means all the further messages for that order from external systems such as process components are picked up and processed only by that particular member.