Process Component Model
Element | Type | Cardinality | Description |
processComponentID | String | Required | Unique identifier for the Process Component to be executed. |
processComponentName | String | Optional | Process component name for the Process Component to be executed. |
processComponentVersion | String | Optional | Process component version for the Process Component to be executed. |
processComponentType | String | Optional | Process component type for the Process Component to be executed. |
processComponentRecordType | String | Optional | Class of processComponentType. |
errorHandler | String | Optional | Error handler to use in the event of the Process Component returning an incomplete or unsuccessful execution response message. |
retry | Type | Optional | Retry type. |
retry/retryFailed | Boolean | Required | Flag indicating that Orchestrator might retry failed plan items. |
retry/retryCount | Integer | Required | Number of times Orchestrator might retry the failed plan item before referring it to Plan Item Failed Handler for manual intervention. |
retry/retryDelay | Long | Required | Delay in msec between calls to the Process Component if the plan item is retired. |
section | Type | 1-M | Process component model section type. |
section/startMilestoneID | String | Required | Unique identifier for the start milestone that describes this section. |
section/endMilestoneID | String | Required | Unique identifier for the end milestone that describes this section. |
section/typicalDuration | Long | Required | Typical duration for this section in msec. |
section/maximumDuration | Long | Required | Maximum duration for this section in msec. |
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