Implementing OMSUIClient.jar

  1. Below dependencies can be added to in pom to access omsuiClient.jar:

  2. Fetch access token through OMSUIClient for Order Management Server UI:
    1. Call getAccessToken (accessTokenUri, clientID, userName, password, clientSecret) method of AccessTokenService of omsuiClient.
    2. Provide the following parameters:
      • Access token URL: http://[hostname]:[PortName]/omsui/oauth/token
      • Client ID: [Provided by OMSUi] (for example, my-trusted-client-with-secret)
      • User name: [user name for Order Management Server UI authorization]
      • Password: [password for Order Management Server UI authorization]
      • clientSecret: [some secret key provided by OMSUI]
  3. OMSUIClient fetches access tokens for Oauth2 authorization, you can then add those token in the target URI to access OMSUI.