Notification Action Configuration

You can receive messages only on the given queues to check and read the notification. The receiver count is 0 as there is no receiver. Also, protocols such as tibbr, jms, smtp, and file options are available to get the notification messages only.

Note: To receive the notifications, open the file in the config folder for omsui and omsServer and set the value as com.tibco.fom.jeoms.deployMode=JEOMS_colocated.

The notification action configuration is as follows:

Add Action

  1. Click Add Action.
  2. Edit the following action attributes:
    Action Attributes

    Name Description Notification type Dampening Criteria (Optional)
    action identifier action description Select notification specify any dampening criteria to the action
  3. Select Notification Parameter tab
  4. Select the protocol
  5. Enter end point URI. The following table shows supported protocols with syntax and example
    End Point Type URI Syntax Example
    JMS Queue jms:queue:<queue name> jms:queue:jeopardy.notification
    JMS Topic jms:topic:<topic name> jms:topic:jeopardy.notification
    Tibbr tibbr://<hostname:port> tibbr://
    SMTP smtp://<hostname:port> smtp://
    SMTPS smtps://<hostname:port> smtps://
    File file://<filepath> file:///opt/notification
  6. Select message type for the notification. The following table shows protocol and supported out message type
    Protocol OutBound Message Type
    JMS plainStringOutMessage
    Tibbr plainStringOutMessage
    SMTP plainStringOutMessage

    The following table shows the supported out message type:

    OutBound Message Type Description
    plainStringOutMessage The notification message in plain string
    jsonMessage The notification message in the form of a json object
    javabean The notification message in the form of a javabean object
    xmlOutMessage The notification message in the form of a xml string
  7. Edit the parameters information for the selected protocol. The following table shows the protocol and the respective parameters configuration required:

  8. Edit Template to configure plainStringOutMessage content using Template Builder. Click the icon mentioned in the following image in the Template tab to open the Template Builder window:

  9. The following is the Template Builder window, which has all the notifications parameters listed to configure a template for notification messages.
    Template Builder Notifications

  10. Click Save to save the template content in action.
  11. Click Test Action to verify the action created is valid. If there is no error, the Test Connection Successful message is displayed.

If there is any error respective error message is displayed. The following table shows error messages, which are displayed: