
Automated Order Plan Development can be deployed in different ways:

  • Collocated
  • Standalone
  • Custom

Collocated Mode

In collocated mode, the Automated Order Plan Development component is deployed on the same application server than Order Management Server. This is the default mode, and it does not require any separate deployment. The omsServer service under roles contains both the Order Management Server component and Automated Order Plan Development component. Even though Automated Order Plan Development is collocated on the same application server, most of the communication are made through Enterprise Message Service.

Automated Order Plan Development in Collocated Mode

To configure this application to use Automated Order Plan Development in collocated mode, set:


in the file $OM_HOME/roles/omsServer/standalone/config/ It tells the application to use the Automated Order Plan Development service stat in the omsServer service.

Standalone Mode

In standalone mode, Automated Order Plan Development is not running on the same application server than Order Management Server. Automated Order Plan Development can run on another application server, either on the same machine or a separate machine.

To configure this application to use Automated Order Plan Development in standalone mode, set:


in the file $OM_HOME/roles/aopd/standalone/config/ It tells this application to not use the Automated Order Plan Development implementation that is in omsServer service.

Using shipped Automated Order Plan Development implementation

The installation provides the Automated Order Plan Development implementation as a separate service, which can be run independently. The service can be started separately, either on the same machine (vertical scaling), or a different machine (horizontal scaling).

Automated Order Plan Development in Standalone Mode (Vertical Scaling)

Automated Order Plan Development in Standalone Mode (Horizontal Scaling)

The service is located in $OM_HOME/roles/standalone/aopd.

Note: The omsServer service already contains an implementation of Automated Order Plan Development, so there is no have to start the Automated Order Plan Development service. The Automated Order Plan Development service is provided for convenience to scale horizontally or vertically.

It is also possible to create a custom Automated Order Plan Development component, as long as it fulfills the Enterprise Message Service interface with the other components. In a same way, the custom Automated Order Plan Development can be deployed, either on the same machine, or a different machine.

To configure this application to use Automated Order Plan Development in custom mode, set:


in the file $OM_HOME/roles/aopd/standalone/config/ It tells this application to not use the Automated Order Plan Development implementation that is in the omsServer service.

Custom Automated Order Plan Development in Standalone Mode (Vertical Scaling)

Custom Automated Order Plan Development in Standalone Mode (Horizontal Scaling)