You can view the orchestration of an execution plan by using the Gantt chart.

The GANTT chart displays the following objects as a graphical representation on the Order Management UI:

  • Plan Summary Task
  • Plan Item Summary Task
  • Milestones
  • Sections
  • Typical duration constraint for the section
  • Maximum Duration constraint for the section
  • Forecast the Plan in execution (Prediction)
  • Show Critical path
  • Time dependencies and point dependencies
  • Different regions in which a plan can be – Typical Duration, Risk Threshold, Maximum Duration, Contingency Buffer, Out-Of-Specification region
  • Show Jeopardy conditions
  • You can view the GANTT chart in different time scale levels (zoom levels), starting from weeks till the milliseconds level

When you enable the Order Management Server UI Grid View and GANTT View Pagination through configuration, and set a page size, the next page is available when you scroll down the GANTT chart. For example, when you scroll down the current page limit, the next page is automatically loaded in the GANTT chart.