Single Node Single Instance Topology
This topology is supported by default, once the TIBCO Order Management - Long Running installation and configurations are done. The TIBCO Order Management - Long Running installer updates the values of some environment variables. For example, the $OM_CONFIG_HOME variable is updated according to the installation directory path. The $OM_CONFIG_HOME variable points to $OM_HOME/roles/standalone/configurator/config directory containing configuration files used by the TIBCO Order Management - Long Running components.
For example, the omsServer component refers to some of the configuration files as mentioned below:
- ConfigValues_OMS.xml for all configuration properties such as JMS connection parameters, database connections, and other functional configuration properties.
- OMSServerLog4j.xml for Logging configurations.
The configuration properties for omsServer and jeoms components in the respective configuration files are divided into two levels.
- Member level properties, which can be tweaked for each omsServer or jeoms member.
- Cluster level properties, which are common for all the omsServer or jeoms members.
The member level properties are identified and picked up by each deployed omsServer or jeoms member based on the assigned NODE_ID. The default value of NODE_ID is Member1. The respective configuration files also contain the default member level configuration section (<Server name="Member1">).
Most of the required configurations such as JMS connection and database connections can be done through TIBCO Order Management - Long Running Configurator after the installation. Optionally the configurations can also be changed using the configurator application.