Synchronous Submit Order

This operation accepts an order for submission to the order management system and returns the order ID, order reference, and the plan to the calling application after the order has been completed through the Orchestrator engine.

  • If the order is being submitted for the first time, do not specify the Order ID in the input. A value is generated internally.
  • If orderRef is not specified, a value is generated and returned to the calling application. This value is always generated whether the order passed validation or not.
  • For SOAP over JMS Web services, the length of orderRef must be less than or equal to 100 characters.
  • If the Router Configuration is selected as filteringRouter, then submitOrder must have a User Defined Field with User Defined Field Name as "Orchestrator" in the order header. This information is required to evaluate the Orchestrator engine type in the filteringRouter. For example:
      <ns0:header xmlns:ns0="">

An optional validate on submit function is available. If this function is enabled, prior to handing the order to the Order Management component, this service performs a validation on the order to determine if it is valid. The results of this validation are returned. If the order fails validation, it is not submitted to Order Management.

If the function is enabled by a flag, a copy of the order is saved in the offer cache to indicate it has been submitted.

The request message format is:

Synchronous Submit Order Request Data Model

Synchronous Submit Order Request Data Model
Element Name Element Type Description
orderRequest orderRequestType


Order data structure. Data model for Order is defined in XSD (refer section Common Data Format Specifications).
ExternalBusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID sent by client.

The reply message format is:

Synchronous Submit Order Response Data Model

Synchronous Submit Order Response Data Model Table
Element Name Element Type Description
resultStatus ResultStatus The result status of the operation.
OrderId String OrderID generated by Order Management Server.
OrderRef String Client order reference.
planID String Plan ID of the plan generated for the order.
status String Status of the order. For example, completed, or failure.
ExternalBusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID sent by client.
BusinessTransactionID String Transaction ID generated by Order Management Server, and used internally by Order Management Server and Orchestrator.
Note: If the synchronous submitOrder request does not contain either orderID or orderRef element, then Order Management Server generates the orderRef and returns the same in the submitOrder response.