Building Docker Images

After the required files are copied at the Docker context, you can build the Docker images. Use Docker-Compose for building the Docker images.


  1. Go to the $OM_HOME/docker directory and execute the following command:
    docker-compose --file docker-compose-build-complete.yml build
  2. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
    $] docker images
    You might get the following output:
    REPOSITORY          TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    tibco/ocs-util      5.0.0-LR     1a27d000a07e   5 weeks ago    898MB
    tibco/ocs           5.0.0-LR     a73f62977959   5 weeks ago    1.09GB
    tibco/aopd          5.0.0-LR     bad7075c78c3   6 weeks ago    1.15GB
    tibco/omsui         5.0.0-LR     8f13d5107ed5   6 weeks ago    1.33GB
    tibco/oms           5.0.0-LR     886cbc34af15   6 weeks ago    1.19GB
    tibco/configurator  5.0.0-LR     523371e6360a   6 weeks ago    1.04GB
    tibco/base          1.0          45c6f2ff14c3   22 hours ago   630 MB
    centos              latest       67591570dd29   3 months ago   192 M