Custom Action Based Product Decomposition

The custom action provides flexible way to define products and product fulfillment by allowing product decomposition and characteristic list inclusion. The ProductComprisedOf (henceforth, referred to as PCO) relationship enables you to model complex product hierarchies. This allows a product modeler to model specific product decomposition according to the specified action.

Note: Irrespective of an action, all the PCO or Characteristic relationships are valid.

The following table describes the custom action for the PCO and Characteristic relationships:

ProductComprisedOf (PCO) Characteristic (C)
If PCO.ActionID=null The child product is always a part of the decomposition during decomposition If C.ActionID=null The characteristic is always included as planItem User Defined Fields
If PCO.ActionID=not null The child product is only added if the following order action is specified during decomposition:

order Action = the ActionID

If C.ActionID=not null The characteristic is included if the following order action is specified during decomposition:

order Action = ActionID

Scenario for the Custom Action Based Product Decomposition

The following table describes how a custom action impacts the product decomposition:

Note: This scenario is applicable for characteristic list inclusion based on custom action.
Data Model Configuration Order Plan
Action repository has record with ID as HomeMove and recordtype as PROVIDE. Product B has PCO relationship with P1, P2, P3 with autoprovision=true P1.PCO.ActionID=null P1.PCO.ActionID=PROVIDE P1.PCO.ActionID=HomeMove OL=B(PROVIDE) There are three planItems:
  • B
  • P1
  • P2

B depends on P1 & P2

OL=B(UPDATE) There are two planItems:
  • B
  • P1

B depends on P1

OL=B(HomeMove) There are two planItems:
  • B
  • P3

B depends on P3