Creating the Product Bundle

To create a product of class bundle, perform the following steps:


  1. Click Create Record. The Add Record page opens.
  2. Enter the values for the following fields in the Info tab:
    Name TriplePlay
    Class Bundle
    Short Description Digital Service Bundle
    Long Description Digital Service Bundle for Global Consumers
    Owner Example Corporation
    Creating Products of Type Bundle

  3. Click the Internal tab and select the plan fragment TriplePlayPlan in the Provide Plan field.
    Adding Plan Fragment Relationship to Product of Type Bundle

  4. Click the Relationships tab, select the ProductComprisedOf option in the left panel, and click Add Relationship.
    Adding Relationship to Products of Type Bundle

  5. Click Search to display all the products.
  6. Select the options PRD_CBL, PRD_INT, and PRD_TEL to add the products Cable, Internet and Telephone within the bundle respectively.
  7. Click Done. You are redirected to the Relationships tab of Add Record page.
    Searching Products for Relationship

  8. Click the ProductComprisedOf option in the left panel to view all the added products.
    Saving Product Relationship

  9. Click Save and Process.
    Viewing All Products of Type Service and Type Bundle

    Conceptual Diagram showing Relationship between the Products and the Product Bundles