Webservice Configuration

Add Action

  1. Click Add Action.
  2. Edit the following action attributes:
    Name Description Notification type Dampening Criteria (Optional)
    action identifier action description Select service specify any dampening criteria to the action

    Select Service Parameter tab

    Enter the WSDL location

    Note: If WSDL location is valid, Service and Method are populated with respective values. Select a service name and Method name to be invoked
  3. Enter the parameter information.

  4. Click the Template tab. It shows the web service request parameters in an XML form. This request parameter can be configured using Template Builder. Click the icon in Template tab to use Template Builder and a popup would appear with a predefined list of parameters.
    The web service request parameters in an XML form

    Configure input parameters using the list of attributes and this would be replaced with actual values when invoking the web service.

  5. Click Save. Webservice request parameters would be saved and display in the Template tab.

Delete Action

  • Select an existing action.
  • Click Remove Action.