Action on Resource Failure

When a resource failure is identified the following activities are performed:

  • Mark the cluster status as INIT and error state of cluster to true.
  • Heartbeat processing of the node is stopped.
  • Tasks related to finding cluster manager is paused.
  • Stops the activity of monitoring the state machines for eviction.
  • Start processing of Advisory message route. For additional details, see Advisory Messages and Impact on Fault Tolerance Processing.
  • Destroy the cache maintained by the Orchestrator. It includes stopping the processing and cleaning up of the batch processor threads maintained by the Orchestrator. All the JMS listeners remain started.

All web services respond with the error code and message, indicating the resource failure. All JMS listeners in the Orchestrator remains started but messages is delivered back to the same source destination. Other JMS events respond indicating resource failure scenarios and the messages that are consumed.