Subscriber Inventory Interface

Order Capture System uses this interface to select subscribers based on a specific search string. This interface cannot be implemented in TIBCO Fulfillment Orchestration Suite. Instead, it must be implemented by projects that have access to a CRM.

You can find the WSDL at $OM_HOME/schemas/wsdl/http/ocs/OCSSubscriberInventoryAccessPoint.wsdl. You can find the schemas at $OM_HOME/schemas/schema/ocs.

Note: For demonstration purposes, Order Capture System provides a hosted implementation, where you can create demo subscribers and subscriber details.


The WSDL contains one operation named SelectSubscribers. This operation takes a search string and pagination information as an argument. It returns the total number of subscribers matching the string within the pagination.

The request message format is:

Element Name Element Type Description
searchString String The string to look for in all subscribers. The recommendation here is to perform a "string contains" operation on all subscriber fields, including addresses. The operation must be not case sensitive if the search string is all lowercase or case-sensitive, or if the search string contains at least one uppercase character.
pagination PaginationType The pagination element. For more information, see Subscriber Inventory Pagination.

The response format is:

Element Name Element Type Description
subscriberList SubscriberListType The list of matching subscribers, with applied pagination, that is, a truncated list of matching subscribers
totalMatches int The total number of matching subscribers in the subscriber inventory system, if no pagination or truncation was applied.

The selectSubscriber SDL contains the following element types:


Element Name Element Type Description
startIndex int The first requested subscriber index in the full list of matching subscribers. For more information, see Subscriber Inventory Pagination.
fetchSize int The number of matching subscribers to return in the response. For more information, see Subscriber Inventory Pagination.


Element Name Element Type Description
id string The subscriber's ID
customerId string The subscriber's customer ID. Usually, the ID would be the unique ID of the subscriber, while the customerId could be the company the subscriber is working for.
firstName string The first name of the subscriber
lastName string The last name of the subscriber
memberSince int When the subscriber was entered into the system
invoiceAddress type The billing address
deliveryAddress type Where the product or service is delivered
closestStoreAddress type The closest store to the subscriber's address


Element Name Element Type Description
line1 string The first line of the subscriber's address
line2 string The second line of the subscriber's address
locality string The locality in which the subscriber resides
region string The region in which the subscriber resides
postCode string The postal zip code for the subscriber
country string The country in which the subscriber resides


Element Name Element Type Description
errorCode string The error code
description string The description of the error
message string The message of the error