Configure Actions
The Jeopardy Management System (JeOMS) supports the following two types of consequential actions for jeopardy events:
- Alert or Notification - Supports sending notification to the following end points:
- Service Invocation - Supports invoking web services, which uses WSDL 1.1 specification.
Jeopardy Management System also allows you to specify dampening criteria to action. Give the dampening (or flow control) criteria to action on how often to send notifications or invoke service for the same jeopardy event.
The frequency for sending alerts depends on the expected behavior of the process component. There are several frequency settings:
- Every time the jeopardy rule condition evaluates to true. This sends the most alerts. It's the default setting if dampening criteria is not specified.
- Every X times the condition is true. This sets a number of times that the condition has to occur before an action is executed. This offsets any occasional spikes in executing plan item in process component or in the fulfillment system. To add this criteria set following values:
- Every X times the condition is true in Y evaluations. This sets a number of times that the condition has to occur in a given number of monitoring evaluations cycles before an action is executed.
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