Jeopardy Dashboard

This section explains the capabilities of Orders in Jeopardy and the Jeopardy Alerts panels and how to integrate this with the existing Dashboard components. Current Dashboard user interface has been enhanced and improved for these additional jeopardy panels.

Note: By default, Jeopardy is deployed in collocated mode with omsServer. Jeopardy Management System is enabled by default in the omsServer service. To disable it, you have to disable this for both omsui and omsServer. To do this, set com.tibco.fom.jeoms.deployMode=JEOMS_disabled in in the config folder for omsui and omsServer.

The following are the Jeopardy panels:

  • Orders In Jeopardy
  • Jeopardy Live Alerts
  • Jeopardy Recorded Alerts