Process Component Destination
Currently, process component notifications are sent to a default destination if there is no owner defined in the process component or to a destination with owner name if owner is defined in process component. This destination can be overridden and a new destination can be used as destination for process component notifications. This can be configured by using property com.tibco.fom.orch.overridePlanfragmentDestination. If this property is set to true then the destination is picked from ProcessComponent.props file for respective process component ID. Content of this property file is loaded when file is modified and the updated value is used for sending notifications. This is applicable only when the error handler type is internal. This properties file has destination defined for process component as follows:
<Process Component ID>.destinationName=<Destination value>
If there is no destination defined for a process component in file ProcessComponent.props or property com.tibco.fom.orch.overridePlanfragmentDestination is configured as false then default behavior is used and all the process component related notifications is sent to a predefined queue. If the property is true and the value is not configured, the default destination is used. The default value is false.
For an alternate process component, you have to configure <Process Component ID> and <Alternate Process Component ID> in ProcessComponent.prop file.
<Process Component ID>.alternateProcessComponent=<Alternate Process Component ID> and com.tibco.fom.orch.overridePlanfragmentDestination property must be true.
You can track the change details in Activity Log on Order Management Server UI.