Creating an OMS Oracle Database for the Default Tenant

Create an OMS Oracle database for the default tenant by running the provided scripts.


  1. Create the table space by modifying the file to assign proper table space name and location of the file including the .dbf extension in the file $OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/CreateTableSpace.sql.
  2. Create the user and assign the table space by modifying the file $OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/createOMSUser.sql, and assign the proper username and password for every user and the table space to the user with proper quota size in the file.
  3. Connect to SQL PLUS as an OMS database user. Execute the following SQL files in order:
    1. Execute $OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/OMS_DDL.sql passing the tablespacename as an input parameter.
      For example,
      • SQL> @$OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/OMS_DDL.sql <<omstablespacename>>
    2. Execute $OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/OMS_SeedData.sql.
      For example,
      • SQL> @$OM_HOME/db/oracle/oms/OMS_SeedData.sql
    3. Run the script OMS_Seed_OrderAddress.sql, which creates the procedure OMS_Seed_OrderAddress.
      Note: While executing the procedure, keep the exponent value between 7 to 12