Enabling Enrichment

  1. Create a new java project in IDE with omsCommon-1.0.jar in build path.
  2. Implement an interface with name com.tibco.aff.oms.server.jms.orch.custom.OrchestratorPlanEnricher.
  3. Copy the .jar file to $OM_HOME/roles/omsServer/standalone/lib.
  4. Configure the implemented class name through Configurator.


    By default, a blank value is present in the Configurator, which indicates no enrichment.

  5. Redeploy Order Management Server.
Note: A sample do-nothing implementation is included with distribution in omsCommon-1.0.jar present at $OM_HOME/lib with the name com.tibco.aff.oms.server.jms.orch.custom.CustomOrchestratorPlanEnricher.