Demo Subscriber Directory

For demonstration purposes, you can use Demo Subscriber Directory in Order Capture System to manage a list of subscribers and stores.

In a real production environment, Order Capture System retrieves subscriber information from a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM). The configuration with a CRM is done using the WSDL defined in TIBCO Order Management - Long Running Web Services Guide. However, for demonstration purposes, Order Capture System can be configured to use the Demo Subscriber Directory in place of a subscriber inventory. Demo Subscriber Directory is enabled by default. Demo Subscriber Directory can be enabled or disabled in TIBCO Configuration Tool or TIBCO Master Data Management Configurator. For instructions on completing this task, see Demo Subscriber Directory Toggling.

Note: Demo Subscriber Directory is not meant for production and is only supported in the demonstration context.

List of Subscribers

Demo Subscriber Directory lists the subscribers that match your specific search criteria. The table is sortable in ascending or descending order. By using the links in the action column, you can edit or delete the selected subscriber.

Subscriber Creation

When creating a new subscriber, Demo Subscriber Directory prompts you to enter the information of the new subscriber, such as the first name, last name, address, and closest store. The closest store entry corresponds to an instance of a store already configured. Each subscriber is associated with a store and has a set of predefined segments. Demo Subscriber Directory prompts you to configure the initial set of segments for the subscriber. Each segment is used to retrieve the eligible list of products, services, or bundles from a product catalog.

List of Stores

Demo Subscriber Directory lists the stores that match your specific search criteria. The table is sortable by ascending or descending order. By using the links in the action column, you can edit or delete the selected store.

Store Creation

Demo Subscriber Directory prompts you to enter information, such as name and address, of the store you are creating. After you save the store creation, it is added to the list of stores.