Offline Model Loading

Offline models are available as flat files containing the model data in the form of the schema compliant XML payload. These files must be generated first by invoking the catalog publish workflow in TIBCO Product and Service Catalog. It is a onetime activity unless the modeling is changed in TIBCO Product and Service Catalog.

This feature enables TIBCO Product and Service Catalog to have no dependency on TIBCO Product and Service Catalog to be online all the time for the data models.

The sample offline XML files for all models are available in $OM_HOME/samples/Models/offline directory.

Offline catalog mode must be enabled for each catalog (model) separately using TIBCO Product and Service Catalog Configurator.

The following figure shows the offline catalog configuration for the PRODUCT catalog. The configurations for other catalogs can be done similarly.

Offline Catalog Configuration

From the screenshot you can see that three directories must be configured for loading the offline catalog:

  1. Catalog poller and WS directory: The main directory, which contains the offline .xml files to be read by TIBCO Product and Service Catalog. These files can be read by TIBCO Product and Service Catalog in either of the following ways:
    1. By a thread, which polls the directory periodically.
    2. On demand by invoking the offline catalog SOAP web service externally.
  2. Catalog import success poller and WS directory: The directory into which the offline .xml files might be moved if the file is successfully read and processed.
  3. Catalog import failure poller and WS directory: The directory in which the offline .xml files might be moved if the file could not be read or processed successfully.