Plan Jeopardy

The plan jeopardy occurs when the execution plan exceeds or is predicted to exceed the following thresholds:

  • Typical Duration
  • Maximum Duration

Jeopardy event pay load for the Plan Jeopardy is an XML object and shown as follows:

Plan Notification Event

The plan element is visually represented as follows:

Plan Element

Following table lists all the jeopardy events that Jeopardy Management System can raise for the Plan Item jeopardy:

Plan Jeopardy Conditions Description
AFF-JM-PLAN-0100 Plan has exceeded typical duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0110 Plan has exceeded maximum duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0120 Plan has exceeded out of scope threshold
AFF-JM-PLAN-0200 Plan is predicted to exceed typical duration and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0210 Plan is predicted to exceed typical duration and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0220 Plan is no longer predicted to exceed typical duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0230 Plan is predicted to exceed maximum duration and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0240 Plan is predicted to exceed maximum duration and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0250 Plan is no longer predicted to exceed maximum duration

Jeopardy event rules can be configured in the Order Management UI to either send notification or invoke a web service.

You can use Rule Configuration to do the following:

  • Add rule
  • Update rule
  • Delete rule
  • Suspend rule
  • Activate rule

The following table lists the rule header information:

General Details Condition Action
Name, description, status, Event Group, Event Type, etc. Criterion to be monitored for Jeopardy Management Action to be taken if condition matches