Data Models

TIBCO Order Management - Long Running requires a variety of data models (catalogs) for its different functionalities.

TIBCO Order Management - Long Running uses the following data models:

Data Models Description
Product Model It is used by the Automated Order Plan Development component for generating the execution plan for the newly submitted orders and the amendments. It is also used by the Order Capture System, which is an optional component, in TIBCO Order Management - Long Running.
Action Model It is optionally used by the Automated Order Plan Development component when generating the execution plans specifically for the ProductDependsOn feature.
Plan Fragment Model It is used by the Orchestrator component for executing the plan for a particular order. It is also used by the optional component – Jeopardy Management System for supporting the jeopardy management functionalities.
Note: The optional Order Capture System component also uses the Segment Model along with Product Model. However, since it is not used by any other core components such as Automated Order Plan Development or Orchestrator, its specific details are not covered here. For details, refer to the Order Capture System documentation in TIBCO Order Management - Long Running User's Guide.

The following table summarizes the models required by components in TIBCO Order Management - Long Running:

Components Data Models
Product Action Plan Fragment Segment
Automated Order Plan Development Required Optional Not Required Not Required
Orchestrator Not Required Not Required Required Not Required
Jeopardy Management System Not Required Not Required Required Not Required
Order Capture System Required Not Required Not Required Required