Automated Order Plan Development Global Variables

This table is a mapping that shows the global variables mapped to configuration properties.

Note: For readability purpose, to property names are abbreviated as follow:
  • c.t.a.a for
  • c.t.f.o for com.tibco.fom.oms
Global Variable Name Configuration Property Purpose
AFF/Global/Constants/InternalUDFs Automated Order Plan Development Application Flags configuration
UDFList c.t.a.a.flags.udflist Internal User Defined Fields to be skipped for affinity merging
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
AFF/Global/Constants/ InventoryUserStatus
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
AFF/Global/Constants/ LineItemActionModes
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
AFF/Global/Constants/ ProductModelCharacteristics
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
AFF/Global/Constants/ RegularExpressions
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
AffinityUDFNameMerge c.t.a.a.flags.affinity.affinityudfnamemerge Controls the flag to merge affinity user-defined field name
CharacterisitcsWithoutAffinityPostfix c.t.a.a.flags.affinity. characterisitcswithoutaffinitypostfix To not merge certain User Defined Fields during Affinity Sequencing those User Defined Fields must be added as CSV in the variable
EnableParentIDUdfCheck Enable the Parent ID user-defined field check for plan item equivalence.
skipItemSequence c.t.a.a.flags.skipitemsequence Within Automated Order Plan Development, if the sequence is -1, it skips the product and all its mandatory children in the Execution Plan
MergeAffinityItemDescription c.t.a.a.flags.affinity.mergeaffinityitemdescription MergeAffinityItemDescription
HierarchySingleUse c.t.a.a.flags.singleuse.hierarchysingleuse Flag to determine whether hierarchy child of single use product must be deleted
EnableAffinityUDFParent c.t.a.a.flags.affinity.enableaffinityudfparent Enable the user-defined field syntax to determine the parent product name and product name of the affinity plan item
AllowMultipleRequiredProducts c.t.a.a.flags.allowmultiplerequiredproducts Allow Multiple Required Products for the same link ID
IgnorePDOFirstChildDependency c.t.a.a.flags.ignorepdofirstchilddependency Ignore First child dependency for source product in PDO relationship
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
MIG_Password Password for the JMS server events.
MIG_QueueConnectionFactory NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
MIG_TopicConnectionFactory NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
MIG_Url c.t.a.a.jms.jndi.url URL for the JMS server events.
MIG_Username Username for the JMS server events.
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
The value for the properties is picked up from the JMS config mentioned above
GLB_PlanDevelopmentAmend RequestQueue c.t.f.o.afi.aopd.amendplanrequest.sender.queue
GLB_PlanDevelopmentAmend ResponseQueue c.t.f.o.afi.aopd.amendplanresponse.receiver.queue
GLB_PlanDevelopmentNew RequestQueue c.t.f.o.afi.aopd.newplanrequest.sender.queue
GLB_PlanDevelopmentNew ResponseQueue c.t.f.o.afi.aopd.newplanresponse.receiver.queue
GLB_ProductCataloguePublishTopic c.t.f.o.afi.productmodel.publish.topic
GLB_ActionCataloguePublishTopic c.t.f.o.afi.actionmodel.publish.topic
AFF/OrderManagement/ProductManagement/ Interfaces/JMS/Services
The value for the properties is picked up from the JMS config mentioned above
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development
NA These properties are not required in Automated Order Plan Development