Jeopardy Live Alerts

The Jeopardy Live Alerts panel displays the live alerts from the Jeopardy Manager.

The details of the Jeopardy Live Alerts panel are as follows:

Submitted Date Timestamp details when jeopardy alert message received
Plan Id If present in the incoming message from Jeopardy Manager, Plan Id of the order is display under Plan Id column.
Plan Item Id If present in the incoming message from Jeopardy Manager, Plan Item Id of the order is display under Plan Item Id column.
Real Time Jeopardy Alerts Actual text message contents of the alert
Jeopardy Live Alerts

Select, which columns you wish to see by editing the display preferences. To edit the preferences, perform the steps mentioned in the Order Summary or Amended Orders section.

Note: You cannot refresh Interval.

If you click on Refresh button, all existing live alert messages are cleared out. Afterwards these cleared messages are available under Jeopardy Recorded Alerts. The incoming messages are always displayed at the top and push the old messages down.

If you want to view details for any particular plan, click the respective row value. The details of the selected plan are displayed on the Plans page.