Plan Item Execution Failed

This is the flow of events through standard order fulfillment with one or many Process Components indicating that execution of a plan item has failed. The sequence is shown in the following diagram:

Standard Order Fulfillment – Plan Item Execution Failed Sequence

Standard Order Fulfillment – Plan Item Execution Failed Sequence

  1. The order is submitted from Order Entry through the Orchestrator Submit Order interface. Note that this might use intermediate service layers. The order now has Start status
  2. Orchestrator sends a request to Transient Data Store to store the order. The order now has Submitted status.
  3. Transient Data Store saves the order and returns a response to Orchestrator. The order now has Feasibility status.
  4. If feasibility is enabled, Orchestrator sends a request to the Feasibility Provider to perform feasibility checking on the order.
    1. Feasibility Provider might delegate the feasibility checking call to Validation as well as perform some internal checking.
    2. Validation returns the result of the order validation back to Feasibility Provider.
    3. Feasibility Provider aggregates all order feasibility checks and concludes that the order is feasible and sends a response back to Orchestrator.
  5. If feasibility is not enabled or the Feasibility Provider has returned the result then the order status is now Plan Development.
  6. Orchestrator sends a request to Automated Order Plan Development to analyze the order and design an execution plan.
  7. Automated Order Plan Development sends a response back to Orchestrator with the execution plan definition. Orchestrator then generates a plan based on this definition. The order now has Execution status and the plan now has Start status.
  8. Orchestrator sends a request to Transient Data Store to store the plan. The plan now has Submitted status.
  9. Transient Data Store saves the plan and returns a response to Orchestrator. The plan now has Pending status.
  10. Orchestrator changes the plan status to Execution and begins invoking Process Components in the correct sequence. This is repeated for each plan item.
  11. Process Component returns a response to Orchestrator for each invocation.
  12. If a Process Component response indicates that the invocation was incomplete or resulted in an error, then Orchestrator sends a request to the Plan Item Error Handler with the details of the plan item failure for manual intervention.
  13. The Plan Item Error Handler sends a response back to Orchestrator with one of three possible actions:
    1. Complete the plan item and continue execution as normal.
    2. Resume the plan item from the point the error occurred and continue execution as normal.
    3. Retry the plan item from the beginning and continue execution as normal.