Order Management Long Running User Interface

This section describes the TIBCO® Order Management Long Running User Interface.

The application UI provides the following features:

  • a visual interface to view order details, order execution plans, plan for Fulfillment Provisioning, jeopardy rule configuration and activity logs
  • facility to search orders fast
  • a complete view of orders that were fulfilled or failed during the fulfillment process
  • end-to-end tracking, storing and monitoring capability for orders in the order fulfillment system
  • capability to perform actions on the orders being executed in the system
  • add and submit order in TIBCO Order Management Long Running through Order Management Server UI
  • show plan preview, which provides a view of the plan without adding it into TIBCO Order Management Long Running

The date is in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Z format, where Z is the time zone where the request is processed. For instance, UTC-7. You can configure the date from the Fulfillment Configurator.

You can perform the following actions on Order Management Long Running:

Order Management Actions Description
Dashboard-specific actions Viewing Dashboard: View the Order Management Long Running Dashboard for summarized information about:

Orders Panel

  • Order Summary
  • Orders in Execution
  • Backlog Orders
  • Amended Orders

Jeopardy Panel

  • Orders in Jeopardy
  • Jeopardy Live Alerts
  • Jeopardy Recorded Alerts

For details, refer to Dashboard .

Order-specific actions Order Management Long Running allows you to:
  • View order Details
  • Search orders
  • Amend orders
  • Add orders
  • Show Plan preview for orders

For details, refer to Orders Page.

Plan-specific actions Perform the following plan specific actions in the Order Management Long Running.
  • View Plan Details
  • Search plan
  • View GANTT chart for the plan
  • Dependency View for the plan
Activity Log Shows the status and revision history of an object (order or a plan) and Fulfillment Provisioning (FP) logs based on the following criteria:
  • Order Ref
  • Plan Id
  • Rule Name
  • FP Order Id
  • FP OrderLine Id
  • FP Resource Id
  • FP TechnicalOrder Id
Note: All the Order Management Long Running related options are displayed only if Order Management Long Running configuration is enabled.

For details, refer to About Activity Log.

Rule Config The Rule Config panel allows you to add rule to receive Jeopardy notification on configured channel or invoke specific service if order is in jeopardy according to the configured condition.

There are two notification types:

  1. Service
  2. Notification

If you choose the 'service' as notification type, provide the service parameters in the respective tab.

The notification channels are:
  1. JMS
  2. File
  3. Tibbr
  4. SMTP
Catalog The Catalog panel allows you to view the catalog model associated with the Order Management Server user interface.

You can:

  1. View a catalog model of all products.
  2. Navigate from the order's product ID to view the specific catalog model w.r.t. product ID.

The Order Management Long Running also describes the functionalities of Fulfillment Provisioning related to:

  • Activity log
  • FP Service Order Hierarchy
  • Display Service Order (attributes, parameters, and service logs)