Adding a New Tenant

Complete the following steps to add a new tenant to enable order processing for the added tenant.

Note: If you are using an Oracle database, find the files in the $OM_HOME\db\oracle\oms directory. If you are using a PostgreSQL database, find the files in the $OM_HOME\db\postreSQL\oms directory.


  1. Create a new database user and tablespace corresponding to the new tenant and run the OMS_DDL.sql script for this user.
  2. To insert seed data for the new tenant, run the OMS_SeedData.sql script.
  3. Modify the property file present at $OM_Home\db\<oracle or PostgreSQL>\oms\TenantUtility\
    1. Enter the tenant name, tenant ID, tenant data source information.
    2. Enter the admin database information.
  4. Run the script after verifying the information stored in the property file in step 2.
    through the script, you can to add or update the tenant-specific configuration. This is possible by altering the tenant config section in the property file and running the script again. Based on the poller frequency, the new tenant properties are applicable in the order flow.


The new tenant is now configured and order processing is possible.