Search Syntax
The search input supports complex searches and is case sensitive. You can use this feature to search for subscribers or products. The search input supports complex searches and is case sensitive.
Complex Searches
When you search for products or bundles, you retrieve results with all letters in the query.
For example, if you search "co" you retrieve results having "co" in the names, such as "computer".
If you type "sm on", you retrieve results having both "sm" and "on" in the names, such as "smart phone".
If you type "double OR triple", you retrieve results having either "double" or "triple" in the names, such as "double bundle" and "triple bundle".
Case Sensitive Searches
When you search for products, the search is case sensitive.
For example, if you search 'experience', you retrieve objects having "Experience" or "experience". If you search for 'Experience', you retrieve products only having "Experience".
The Search can have many tokens, which acts as an "OR":
For example, if you search 'xoom droid', you retrieve objects having "xoom" or "droid" (and also any combination of Xoom, XOom, DRoID).
Tokens can be protected by double quotation marks to search for a phrase:
For example, if you search '"first smart phone"' and 'first smart phone', you do not retrieve the same amount of products.
Use a dash (-) in front of a token or phrase to exclude it from search.
For example, if you search '-droid', you do retrieve all objects that do not contain 'droid'.