Types of Amendment

At a high level, order amendments can be classified into the two heads and further into each sub-type as described below:

  1. Changes at order line level
    1. Action Change - Changing the action in one or more order lines.
    2. RequiredByDate Change - Changing the requiredByDate in one or more order lines.
    3. user-defined field Change - Changing the user-defined field(s) in one or more order lines.

  2. Changes at the order header level
    1. RequiredByDate Change - Changing the requiredByDate at order header level.
    2. OrderLine Addition - Adding a new order line in the order.
    3. OrderPriority Change – Changing the orderPriority at the order header level.

The amendment types at the order line level are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Only one of the amendment types is allowed for a particular order line in an amendment request. E.g. the action and User Defined Fields cannot be simultaneously updated in an order line. If multiple amendment types are tried simultaneously for an order line in a single amendment request, an exception with the appropriate code and an appropriate message is thrown. For example, if action and requireByDate both are changed in an order line in the amendment request, an exception with error code "TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100064" and error message "Action and requiredByDate cannot be modified simultaneously in an order line", is thrown.

However, different amendment types can be applied in different order lines as part of the same amendment request. That is, action change in one order line and user-defined field or requiredByDate change in another one can be done simultaneously.