Batch Event Processing

Events are consumed by state machine and notifications generated by state machines are posted in the Batch process. Following is the list of the events that are processed by Orchestrator:

  1. JMS Events that are primarily coming from process components, Order Management Server and clean-up. Clean up activity include clean-up of checkpoints and cleaning the final state orders from local heap memory.

    Below is the sequence of activities involved:

    1. State Machine receives the events from JMS.
    2. Events are consumed by the state machine.
    3. State machine generates the actions to be executed. The actions are configured internally to dispatch the JMS Messages, process Database notifications and logging
    4. Action execute requests are posted to Batch Process.
  2. Time Dependent Events are triggered using Timer.

    Below is the sequence of activities involved:

    1. State Machine receives the events from Timer Event.
    2. State machine generates the actions to be executed. The actions are configured internally to dispatch the JMS Messages, process Database notifications and logging.
    3. Action execute requests are posted to Batch Process.