Collecting Order Summary Data

Order Management Server provides the Dashboard component to view summary information about the fulfillment engine. This requires the collection of information about status orders in the system and other summary information. In the case of a heavy load, it is desirable to collect the summary information periodically by scheduled intervals rather than updating summary data on every status change. Cron Expression is used to define the time interval for summary collection.

For example, the default Cron Expression " 0 0/10 * * * ?" defines an interval of every 10 minutes for the summary collection.

Order Summary Collection can be scheduled to run in off-peak hours and not affect the order processing. Look at highlighted values to be changed in ConfigValues_OMS.xml. The following configuration Order Summary runs every 10 minutes. Change it appropriately according to your environment and requirement.
Category description="Order Summary Data Collection" name="Order Summary Data Collection" visibility="Basic">
  <ConfValue description="schedule Interval for order summary data collection." name="Cron Expression" propname="" sinceVersion="1.1" visibility="Basic">
    <ConfString default="0 0/10 * * * ?" value="0 0/10 * * * ?"/>

By default the Cron Expression is set to get the data from server every 10 minutes. It is kept at 10 minutes so it does not interfere with the performance of the Order Management Server.