Reading Offline XML Files

TIBCO Order Management - Long Running can read the offline XML files in two ways: Poller process and SOAP web service.

  1. Poller Process

    A separate poller thread is started for loading each offline catalog. This thread keeps polling the main catalog directory to read the catalog files that are present in the directory. The poller polls the directory according to the polling interval configured in the property shown in the following figure:

    Poller Process
    Note: Only one member instance configured by the property "Designated model loading member instance" ( is responsible for polling the offline folder and processing models.
  2. SOAP Web Service

    A SOAP/ HTTP web service is available to read the offline model files on demand without waiting for the poller process to trigger.

    Offline catalog invocation web service WDSL is $OM_HOME/schemas/wsdl/http/OfflineCatalogue.wsdl.

    The web service is available on the following URL: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/offlineCatalogueWS: where the HOST and PORT are the hostname and the port on which the omsServer microservice is running.

    The sample web service request for reading offline product models is available at $OM_HOME/samples/OfflineCatalogRequest.xml.

    Regardless of the way the offline model files are read, the model payload is processed in exactly the same way as mentioned in Model Processing in online model loading section.

Note: For reading the offline catalog files using web service, the flag to enable offline mode for each catalog does not have to be set. It can be kept as false.