Manual Order Plan Development Orders Identification

The orders eligible for Manual Order Plan Development can be identified on the basis of orderRef or the order User Defined Field value. The possible values for property com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator are orderRef and User Defined Field. The following properties determine the orders that can be processed for Manual Order Plan Development.

<ConfValue description="MOPD order Indicator Flag" isHotDeployable="true" name="MOPD order Indicator Flag" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="udf" value="udf" />
<ConfValue description="orderRef string for MOPD order Indicator" isHotDeployable="true" name="orderRef string for MOPD order Indicator" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator.orderRef.string" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="Manual_" value="Manual_" />
<ConfValue description="UDF key string for MOPD order Indicator" isHotDeployable="true" name="UDF key string for MOPD order Indicator" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator.udf.key.string" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="MOPD" value="MOPD" />
<ConfValue description="UDF value string for MOPD order Indicator" isHotDeployable="true" name="UDF value string for MOPD order Indicator" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator.udf.value.string" readonly="false" sinceVersion="3.0" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="yes" value="yes" />

The following table explains the properties:

com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator User Defined Field A User Defined Field property of order is used to identify an Manual Order Plan Development order.
orderRef orderRef of an order is used to identify Manual Order Plan Development order.
com.tibco.fom.orch. mopdIndicator.orderRef.string Any valid string value An orderRef with this specified value as prefix string is eligible for Manual Order Plan Development. This property is used if the property com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator is set to orderRef.
com.tibco.fom.orch. mopdIndicator.udf.key.string Any valid string value A User Defined Field (UDF) with key as this specified value is eligible for Manual Order Plan Development. This property is used if property com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator is set to udf.
com.tibco.fom.orch. mopdIndicator.udf.value.string Any valid string value A User Defined Field with this value as the specified value is eligible for Manual Order Plan Development. This property is used if the property com.tibco.fom.orch.mopdIndicator is set to User Defined Field.