Consequential Actions
Jeopardy Manager raises the jeopardy event. If a plan item is in jeopardy, the PlanItemJeopardy event is raised. If a Plan is in jeopardy, the PlanJeopardy event is raised.
To reduce the number of Jeopardy notifications sent out for a particular plan, jeopardy sends either a predictive notification or the actual notification at the plan level. For example, if the jeopardy sends out a predictive notification AFF-JM-PLAN-0200 for the Plan to possibly exceed the typical duration, then the jeopardy does not send out the AFF-JM-PLAN-0100 notification if the plan actually exceeds typical duration, as they are the notifications for the same risk region.
Jeopardy event message contains payload with information about the jeopardy condition. You can configure the consequential that you want to perform when these events are raised by the system that configures the Jeopardy Rules.
Jeopardy Rules can be configured through Order Management Server UI rule configuration option.
For each of the listed jeopardy conditions, you can take any of the following possible consequential actions: