State Machine Configuration

The following configurations are required to enable pagination of state machines in the application:

Threshold can be configured using property com.tibco.fom.orch.maxNoMilestonesLoadedinMemory under category Orchestrator Configuration in ConfigValues_OMS.xml.

<ConfValue description="Maximum number of StateMachines instances to be kept in Heap Memory" isHotDeployable="true" name="Max No of StateMachines in Heap Memory" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.maxNoMilestonesLoadedinMemory" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="0" value="0" />

This property indicates the number of state machine kept in heap memory. Once this threshold is exceeded eviction of state machine starts and state machines are moved to backing store. The default value of ‘0’ indicates no eviction of state machine from heap memory and all the state machine is in heap memory.