Submit the Error Resolution
After taking the error resolution on the plan item in ERROR state, you can submit your changes. With error resolution choice as Retry, Resume, or Complete, you can submit these error resolutions for the plan items in ERROR state all in one go, or you can submit each error resolutions for the plan item in ERROR state separately.
When you choose error resolution as Manual Order Plan Development for any of the plan item, it would impact the entire plan and not the individual plan item in ERROR state. So once you choose the error resolution as Manual Order Plan Development for any of the plan item in ERROR state, any other error resolution selection for other plan item in ERROR state have no impact. If there were three plan items in ERROR state and for one plan item you have chosen error resolution as Retry, and for another plan item, which is in ERROR state, you have chosen as Resume, and for the third plan item you chose Manual Order Plan Development as error resolution, then the resolution type for first two plan items have no impact and the Manual Order Plan Development process is initiated.
If you have plan item or plan items in ERROR state, you have an option to submit the Error Resolution.