Feasibility Request

Feasibility Request is an event sent by Orchestrator to the Feasibility Provider to request order feasibility checking. It is an asynchronous request/reply event to a JMS queue that returns a reply to the default reply queue for Feasibility Response.

If an exception occurs during feasibility checking, then it must be logged to the Feasibility Provider log. The details of the exception are returned in the response.

Event Type Asynchronous request event
Queue or Topic Queue
Destination tibco.aff.orchestrator.provider.order.feasibility.request

The event has the following property:

Property Type Cardinality Description
originator String Optional The value of the NODE_ID that is assigned to the instance. This property is sent by the Orchestrator in all the outbound JMS messages and is expected to be mapped back by the external systems (process components, feasibility providers, pre-qualification failure handlers, and error handlers) in the corresponding response messages.

The event has the following payload:

Feasibility Request

Feasibility Request

The following table lists the details of the elements.

Element Type Cardinality Description
businessTransactionID String Optional Unique identifier for tracing purposes across function calls.
correlationID String Optional Unique identifier to correlate the request message with a response message.
orderID String Required Order ID for the order to feasibility check.
orderRequest Type Required Order Request type. See Appendix A for the specification of this type.