Fulfillment Provisioning Attributes and Parameters
The Fulfillment Provisioning parameters and attributes are displayed on the right side panel of the Plan page. These are displayed from the Fulfillment Provisioning server based on the following node type selected from the Plan panel:
Note: The attributes and parameters have name-value pairs based on the node selected in the Plan tree panel. The corresponding process flow is displayed based on the selected node. If the Plan item does not contain the FP service order, then only Milestone is added to the hierarchy view.
If a Plan item contains the Fulfillment Provisioning service order then the service order is displayed as:
Fulfillment Provisioning Process Flow
The Fulfillment Provisioning parameters and attributes are displayed on the right side panel of the Plan page. These are displayed from the Fulfillment Provisioning server based on the following node type selected from the Plan panel:
The Process Flow displays a graphical representation of process flow for the selected node.
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