Deploying and Running the Process

This tutorial shows you how to deploy the WelcomeUsersSOD process.

Note: Deploying this project is similar to the deployment of the WelcomeUsers project described in the Create, Deploy, and Run Your First BPM Application tutorial. Refer back to that tutorial for more detail on any of the following steps.


  1. Connect to your deployment server and deploy the SODStart project.
  2. If you have not already done so, log into Openspace or Workspace, and create an LDAP container, specifying easyAs as the LDAP source..
  3. Map two users to the Tester position in the Easy As organization model that you imported previously in this tutorial.
  4. Log into Workspace as one of the users you mapped to the Tester position.
  5. Start the WelcomeUsersSOD business service.
  6. In your work item list, double click Get User’s Name to open the work item.
    Note: TheGet User’s Name task is also offered to the other user that you mapped to the Tester position. You can confirm this by logging in as the other user and viewing the work list.
  7. Enter a name and submit the Get User’s Name form.
  8. The Display Message task is displayed. Click Submit.
  9. Note that the next work item (Send out Welcome Pack) is not offered to you.
  10. Log into TIBCO Workspace as the other user that you mapped. The Send out Welcome Pack work item is in the work list.
  11. Submit the Send out Welcome Pack form.