Deploying the EasyAsExtendedOMSolution Organization Model


  1. In the Deployment Servers view, right-click XYZ Work Server1 and click Deploy Module. The Deploy Module(s) wizard is displayed.
  2. Select Deploy BPM Project then click Next. The Select Project dialog is displayed.
  3. Select EasyAsExtendedOMSolution as the project to deploy.
  4. Click Next. There is a short pause while the necessary files generate and then the Administrator Setup dialog is displayed.
  5. Click Finish. The Progress Dialog is displayed while deployment takes place, and should indicate that deployment has finished with no errors. Progress messages are also displayed in the Console view.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Deployment Server view, expand XYZServer1 > BPMEnvironment > Applications. An easyasextendedomsolution entry is displayed, indicating that the application has been deployed to the BPM runtime.