Relationship Between Data Content and Data Exchange Methods
The following table
shows the methods(s) of data exchange that may be used for transferring each
different type of data. As indicated in this table, there is not a one-to-one
relationship between the method of transferring and the content-type of the
data. To convey some types of data, two or more different methods may be used.
For example, customer data may be updated by a Transaction file as a batch
process or by a real-time API.
Note: For specific information about obtaining and updating data in real
time, and API methods involved, see the TIBCO Reward API Reference Guide.
Each of the types of data mentioned in the table above is explained in the following section. Later in this document, you will find specific information and instructions for performing data exchange processes.
The TIBCO Reward Account Management team will also assist you with instructions, guidelines, and data mapping templates, and other tools to help you with your specific needs.
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