Creating a Geolocation

To create a geolocation perform the following steps:


  1. Click ADMIN section.
  2. Click Program Data > Locations > Create Location.
  3. Enter the values for the following fields:
    • Name
    • Address 1
    • Address 2
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Postal Code
    • Country
    • Radius (meters)
  4. Click Preview.
    A Google map with a beacon, at the entered location, is displayed.
  5. Click Done to save the new geolocation.
    Note: Your use of the TIBCO Reward® geolocation mapping functionality is subject to your compliance with the following policies: Google Terms of Service, Google Maps Terms of Service, Google Maps Legal Notices, and Google Maps Acceptable Use Policy (collectively, the "Google Policies"). If you do not agree to comply with the Google Policies, do not activate or use the TIBCO Reward geolocation mapping functionality. TIBCO may, at its discretion, terminate or suspend your access to or use of the TIBCO Reward geolocation mapping functionality if your use fails to comply with the Google Policies.